Leading for Mission

Martin Day discusses how leaders in Catholic health and aged care need to be models of the vision and mission.

Martin Day, experienced health care leader discusses ways of modelling a leadership style that enables all staff to feel responsible for and involved in the healing ministry of Jesus. Not only do leaders in Catholic health and aged care need to have the usual skills and competencies of a leader or manager, they have to have – or be prepared to grow in – a particular set of skills and behaviours appropriate for a Catholic ministry.

Leadership and Decision Making

Love is the business we are in and Julie Edwards discusses what this means for leaders and decision making in Catholic organisations.

Julie Edwards, Jesuit Social Services CEO discusses leadership in the context of a Catholic service. Julie addresses the elements required to enable leadership to flourish, in particular the approach to decision-making at critical moments to ensure witness to the mission is to remain authentic. Julie discusses that the services we provide must always be accessible, contemporary and useful. Working within the Ignatian tradition, Julie refers to the ability to work with the mind and the heart and always with a call to action.